Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hard Lessons

Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott once said, "Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons..." I agree with her wholeheartedly. In fact, I have experienced this perspective and I can appreciate the value of seeing our life's circumstances in a different light.

Think about it; if you view a life event or occurrence as a one time event, never to be replayed, what purpose will that serve? While I would also agree that the consequences of many of our choices are irrevocable and thus appear to be mistakes, the thought processes and circumstances which precipitate those often irrevocable actions will return until our perception grows into an alternative more in line with the will and wonder of the mystery of God.

Viewing life circumstances in this manner permits us to move forward from a potential stumbling block and ties us to not to the past, but to the present, which is so alive with possibilities. There is a freedom that accompanies this outlook that comes with knowing that you can change the outcome by viewing the circumstance differently the next time you face the same or similar situation.

For me, this has been an eye opening experience in the area of my career or shall I say careers. Like many men, I just couldn't decide on what I really wanted to do with my life. Although I am not unaccomplished I would never say I have done what I was sent here to do, whatever that is. I wouldn't call it a mid-life crisis, more of an ongoing predicament. I would continue to try new careers, thinking there has to be more than the one I'm in. Leaving each new venture could have been viewed as a mistake but, I now have the perspective that permits me to see each one as a lesson for what I am doing today - fulfilling my dreams.

I could have saved a lot of heartache and wasted energy by viewing each abandoned position as a lesson leading to growth instead of beating myself up for not accomplishing what my ego thought I should. Hey, I'm just being honest here. For all of the men going through this right now in the economy of today, I say change your perspective and move on, right now! And to my young friends entering the work force from college or high school or vocational schools or whatever, I say adopt this philosophy early on and pay attention more to the discovery of who you are than what you do. This will be one less lesson you will have to learn.

There are no mistakes, only lessons but, some of the lessons are very, very hard. Do your best to minimize them by seeking a mentor; someone who cares about you and humanity. Find one that's been in a similar circumstance yet can put his past behind him and stay in the present with you while at the same time relating the alternatives learned from the lessons of the past.

It is my deepest desire that you will walk through the lessons of life and come away with the wisdom and hope necessary to navigate the journey that precedes you and provides the rewards that you seek for yourself, your family and the communities you live in.
Blessings to you my friends and remember - the choice is always yours!

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